The Whale of a Time Workshop is a creative and educational event, where young and old are able to model whales and other endangered species out of clay and at the same time learn about the environment, biodiversity and sustainability whilst having a whale of a time!
Our unique, playful, creative and educational approach gives people of all ages (+2 - 99) the chance to connect with members of the community, develop artistic skills, learn about nature and spread the message to take care of our planet. Clay-modelling is practical, hands-on and therapeutic. As well as providing opportunities to discuss the issues and find solutions, we have won numerous awards such as the Future Friendly Awards, NHS Community Wellbeing Awards, Making a Big Difference Awards. The Whale of a Time website has links to everything you need to know on endangered species and sustainable living on our planet.
Book your event now and secure your date. Please send an email to get a quote.
4th - 5th June 12
12:00 - 18:00 pm
4th June
12:00 - 14:00 pm
Whale of a Time at Redbridge Carnival
Redbridge Carnival 2012 set to be boroughs biggest Queens Jubilee event! Come and join us, we'll be running the Whale of a Time Workshop for young and old. Find "Spirit" our giant purple Blue Whale in the procession having a whale of a time! More info
Organised by Redbridge Carnival Association
@ Town Centre, Ilford IG1 1LX
Nearest Railway Station: Ilford Railway
Foot procession outside Harrison and Gibson (Town Centre); 193-207 High Road, Ilford, Essex, IG1 1LZ; leading towards Seven Kings Swimming Pools, where vehicles join.

Whale Review 11
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Foot Procession Start - Google Map |
View photos of Whale of a Time at Redbridge Peace Concert 2011, London
5th June 12
10.30 am - 16.30 pm
Whale of a Time at Eastbrookend Country Fair
Escape to the Dagenham countryside for the day and have a whale of a time! More info
@ The Millennium Centre, The Chase, Dagenham Road, Rush Green, Romford, Essex RM7 0SS
Closest Tube Station: Dagenham East
Please note: Dagenham East is about a 15min walk the country park, alternatively the 174 bus stops at the top of the road and is a 2 minute walk to the park.
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View photos of Whale of a Time at Beam Parklands, Dagenham March 2012
8th June 12
Happy World Ocean Day!
Learn about 10 things that you can do for the oceans - go to Whale Study
Have a whale of a time! |
16th June 12
14:00 - 17:00 pm
Whale of a Time at Furzedown Festival - Launch
Explore the neighbourhood by taking part in the Treasure Hunt and visit Moyser Road where there will be a range of activities - crafts and Whale of a Time. More info
@ Furzedown Project, 91 - 93 Moyser Road, Wandsworth, London SW16 6SJ
Closest Tube Station: Tooting Bec or Tooting Broadway
Closest Railway Station: Tooting, Streatham, Streatham Common
Walk from the station
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Fired and Glazed Models Collection
23rd June 12
12:00 - 18:00 pm
Whale of a Time at Furzedown Festival - Big Day Out
Furzedown Community Network, proudly presents The Big Day Out, a great day out for all the family with live music and children activities including the Whale of a Time Workshop, and entry is free. More info
@ Furzedown Recreation Ground, Wandsworth, London SW17 9BP
Closest Tube Station: Tooting Bec or Tooting Broadway
Closest Railway Station: Tooting, Streatham, Streatham Common
Walk from the station

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Soon more upcoming events in the Whale Diary
Whale of a Time Workshops - April Whale Review
Flying the Flags of Forest Gate Spring Festival
We had a whale of a time "Flying the Flags of Forest Gate Spring Festival".
"The Flying the Flags of Forest Gate, Olympic inspired event attracted over 2000 local residents and visitors to get involved. The event programme included a talent competition, arts and crafts activities, performances, sports competitions, children's play programme, adult training classes and much more. This was enhanced by the fantastic workshop put on by Whale of a Time. The workshop attracted hundreds of adults and children, truly inspiring intergenerational interactivity, embracing and releasing creativity. Feedback from visitors said that they found the workshop therapeutic and stimulated conversation whilst learning about endangered species." - View photos of Flying the Flags of Forest Gate 2012 in the Whale of a Time Gallery
"It was well worth investing our time in working with Whale of a time!", commented Syed Haque, Community Leaders and Engagement Manager, London Borough of Newham
Mayor Of Newham Sir Robin Wales visited Whale of a Time. We would like to thank Syed Haque for organising a fantastic event for the whole of the community. Everybody was having a whale of a time modelling endangered species in olympic positions out of clay whilst learning about environmental issues, biodiversity and sustainability.
Participants comments included:
It's very great having lot's of fun with other children and families, thank you.
It's very creative for the kids. Need more workshops like this. Good for this kind of education. Good display.
This workshop was really cool!
Read more comments
View photos of Flying the Flags of Forest Gate 2012 in the Whale of a Time Gallery
Please view the Whale of a Time Gallery or read more about the Whale of a Time Workshop, read Whale Comments and our Whale Reviews. Keep up-to-date with the Whale Diary! Stay tuned and get updates by subscribing to the Whale Mail!
Happy World Ocean Day - coming up on 8th June!
In order to raise awareness of the world's oceans we'd like to feature Richard O' Barry who has joined the Whale of a Time Community. Richard is working to protect dolphins. Please view his Whale of a Time Artist profile
Declaration of Cetaceans Rights
We all know that cetaceans are suffering – something is wrong
They have chronic stress – shipping traffic is to blame
If you want to know more – watch “The Cove” and see all the gore
Of Japanese whaling in the name of research, with whales just left in the lurch
It’s irresponsible and only for business gain
Save these beautiful creatures, the dolphins and the whales.
Stand up and fight for the Declaration of Cetaceans Rights
Poem by Whale of a Time Artist Cyberstarlet (Read full version here)
Sign the declaration and join a global call to have rights formally declared for cetaceans
Declaration of Rights for Cetaceans: Whales and Dolphins
Based on the principle of the equal treatment of all persons;
Recognizing that scientific research gives us deeper insights into the complexities of cetacean minds, societies and cultures;
Noting that the progressive development of international law manifests an entitlement to life by cetaceans;
We affirm that all cetaceans as persons have the right to life, liberty and wellbeing.
We conclude that:
1. Every individual cetacean has the right to life.
2. No cetacean should be held in captivity or servitude; be subject to cruel treatment; or be removed from their natural environment.
3. All cetaceans have the right to freedom of movement and residence within their natural environment.
4. No cetacean is the property of any State, corporation, human group or individual.
5. Cetaceans have the right to the protection of their natural environment.
6. Cetaceans have the right not to be subject to the disruption of their cultures.
7. The rights, freedoms and norms set forth in this Declaration should be protected under international and domestic law.
8. Cetaceans are entitled to an international order in which these rights, freedoms and norms can be fully realized.
9. No State, corporation, human group or individual should engage in any activity that undermines these rights, freedoms and norms.
10. Nothing in this Declaration shall prevent a State from enacting stricter provisions for the protection of cetacean rights.
Sign the petition for the Rights of Cetaceans here
Captivity is Cruel - Don't go to a show!
Please be aware and pledge not to buy tickets to any parks and swim-with-dolphins programs as they exploit dolphins and whales. WAZA has the power and influence to stop the trafficking in live dolphins and urge an end to the cruelty associated with the display of dolphins and whales. By signing this petition you urge WAZA to act responsibly.
Please sign Dolphin petition
Save Our Oceans!
Shockingly, governments spend billions subsidising the commercial fishing industry to pillage our seas. The new plan would end this scandal, craft a new treaty to protect the high seas, and establish critical marine protection reserves. But Canada, the US and Japan are threatening to water down or even kill it. Our only hope is to get behind Europe to champion the idea before it's too late.
Please sign Ocean petition
Become a "Whale of a Time Artist" by joining the Whale of a Time Community and help raise awareness of our beautiful planet while having a whale of a time!
Make your voice heard by signing following petitions below:
Help Save the Beluga Whale from Extinction at Hands of Mining Giant
Target: Tom Albanese, Chief Executive Rio Tinto
Goal: To stop the construction of Rio Tinto’s gold and copper mine in the Beluga’s home in Bristol Bay, Alaska.
The mining giant Rio Tinto plans to build a gold and copper mine in Alaska’s Bristol bay, which is also home to the endangered Beluga whale. There are only 284 - 340 left! Watch Video here
Please sign Beluga petition
To see all petitions go to Get Involved.
Whale of a Time won the London region of the Future Friendly Awards 2011, the NHS Lambeth Community Wellbeing Competition 2010 and Making a Big Difference Award 2010, and was nominated for the London Peace Award 2010 and 2011, the Archant London Business Award 2010 and the Archant London Environmental Awards 2009.
Become a "Friend of the Whale", stay tuned and subscribe to the Whale Mail!
Find out how to become a Whale of a Time Volunteer or support our work through Whale of a Time Sponsorship / Whale of a Time Funding Opportunities.
Have a whale of a time! :)
Your Whale of a Time Community
020 8123 0325
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